Outlining Sucks But…

Outlining Sucks But…

A bit of inspiration hit me the other day, reading Sarah Hinna’s recap of her Thirty Days of Poetry.  Particularly when reading this, and in particular the part in bold:

 I’d fallen out of love with writing. It had become another pressure, instead of a happy wandering. I’ve been wrangling with the same novel for three years, and I thought it had beaten me. I didn’t even care that it had beaten me, particularly, but I did care that I didn’t seem to care.

Hmm. I thought. I could do this. Not with poetry, of course. My mind just doesn’t work that way. Or more to the point, I’m not that deep. But I could do this with flash fiction. 30 Days of Flash Fiction sounds nice.

Then I thought about my novel. What if I wrote 30 flash fiction pieces set in the universe of my novel? That would certainly get my creative juices flowing. In fact, if I did this right, I’d almost be *gasp* plotting my novel, only writing 30 pieces of flash fiction seem much less icky than writing an outline.

So that’s what I’m going to do. Only, don’t hold me to it. Or do. It’s up to you really. Once I have a few of these things written I’ll post them here. This could be really exciting. Or not. Who knows?

9 thoughts on “Outlining Sucks But…

  1. Of course we’re holding you to it. Accountability and commitment will move you forward! Also, what’s cool is some of these pieces might end up being pieces from the book. If you open yourself up to writing “vignettes” as well as flash stories (which have a beginning, middle and end and are self-supporting) you may end up writing a good chunk ahead on that novel a month from now.

    1. Wendy, yeah in my mind each would have a beginning, middle, and end. I’m picturing condensed versions of each chapter. I’m not sure if it’s even possible, but seems like fun.

  2. One of my friends at school wrote her thesis as a novella in flash. It was brilliant!! You could totally do it. Although if you want to take the pressure off and just get back to writing lots, don’t worry about continuity… just the idea of writing them all in the same universe is a cool jump start.

    I just wrote my first flash yesterday. I needed to write something to get me back into writing without pressure. It’s an art, for sure! Much harder for me than novels, but it sure was nice to write a complete story in one day. 🙂

  3. The great revelation that pushed me over the line between not-finishing and finishing was writing in discrete increments. Don’t bite it if it’s too big to chew.

  4. This is totally exciting and, yes, now you have to do it, and it’s a great idea, especially since the vignettes will be in the universe of your novel. Very much looking forward to it! 🙂

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