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Category: Politics

Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters – The Atlantic

Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters – The Atlantic

Trump is a Christian when the cameras are on. But that’s all his base really needs. The “R” beside his name and words that they like about their religion.

The president’s alliance with religious conservatives has long been premised on the contention that he takes them seriously, while Democrats hold them in disdain. In speeches and interviews, Trump routinely lavishes praise on conservative Christians, casting himself as their champion. “My administration will never stop fighting for Americans of faith,” he declared at a rally for evangelicals earlier this year. It’s a message his campaign will seek to amplify in the coming weeks as Republicans work to confirm Amy Coney Barrett—a devout, conservative Catholic—to the Supreme Court.

But in private, many of Trump’s comments about religion are marked by cynicism and contempt, according to people who have worked for him. Former aides told me they’ve heard Trump ridicule conservative religious leaders, dismiss various faith groups with cartoonish stereotypes, and deride certain rites and doctrines held sacred by many of the Americans who constitute his base.

Source: Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters – The Atlantic

Millenials Aren’t Lazy by Matt Bors

Millenials Aren’t Lazy by Matt Bors

I feel extremely fortunate to have graduated from college and landed my job when I did. It always gets me when the pundits talk about how the “economy” is growing because the stock market is doing well. Maybe so, but that growth certainly isn’t “trickling down” very far.

This article is worth a look.

Maligned as a bunch of shiftless, tech-addled children raised to think they’d all get trophies, Millennials are trying to build careers out of the ruins of a job market. Amid a group that’s supposed to be a bunch of entitled kids, all I see around me are young people juggling multiple jobs and unpaid internships while trying to blot their trigger warning! student debt from their minds.

via Millenials Aren’t Lazy: They’re Fucked | Matt Bors.

Jon Stewart – ‘It Is Absolutely The Time To Talk About Guns’

Jon Stewart – ‘It Is Absolutely The Time To Talk About Guns’

Jon Stewart, speaking the truth with humor as always.

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