Adventure Time’s Marceline

Adventure Time’s Marceline

I’m not a very good artist. I’ve always wanted to be good at drawing, because I’ve loved comic books and cartoons my entire life. When I was younger this lack of drawing talent didn’t stop me from drawing, or course. As the years went on, however, I got away from even attempting to draw more than stick figures.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve stopped letting the fact that I can’t do something stop me from doing that thing. Heck, I built a coffee table on my own. I can’t do that. So, I figured, why not give drawing another crack.

I’ve also found that art time is a nice way to fill time with my kids, especially when I want them to step away from the computer and television for a bit. It also helps that my daughter is already showing the artistic talents of my wife and quite enjoys drawing. She is better than me already. And I love that.

So on Saturday afternoon, my son worked on a Lego sculpture, my daughter drew a really rad picture of Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and I drew Marceline from Adventure Time. Here is my pencil drawing, which I thought was pretty decent.


I thought it would look better in color. Here is where I admit I’ve never previously been able to take something I’ve drawn by hand, scan it, and successfully color it in Photoshop. It just always turns out bad. But again, I didn’t let that stop me.

Here’s the finished, colorized product. Not bad, I think. Special thanks must go out to the artist that drew the image I modeled this after. If I can find the original, I’ll link to it.


12 thoughts on “Adventure Time’s Marceline

  1. You know what’s funny? I recognized her! (I didn’t know her name because I don’t watch Adventure Time but I know her from the commercials I’ve seen.) So, you certainly captured her. And having fun is important and practicing. I know what you mean about drawing — I wish I had the talent to make beautiful things, but I guess it makes me appreciate all the more what others can do. Keep doing what thrills you and makes you happy.

  2. Looks really good to me. I hope you keep drawing if you enjoy it.

    I’ve watched one episode of Adventure Time with our kids. It was the Bear episode where they all party in the monster’s belly. Awesome.

    1. I love the bear episode. That was the first one we watched too.

      Thanks for the compliment. I’m happy with how the drawing turned out in color. It took me several hours to do, though, so no change in career for me 🙂

  3. Wow, very nice job! I have not mastered, or even tried, computer drawing. Amazing.

  4. Looks fantastic, Paul!!! Really!
    I just LOVE Marceline! You know. those words from the song with the “wreckage” of the world still come to my mind every day…
    I keep toying with the idea of a graphic novel in which I do the text and the drawing… I wish I were that talented. I greatly admire those who can draw so easily and beautifully…

    1. Thanks Vesper! I was really happy with how it turned out. I did a drawing of Finn I’ll have to tinker with too, and see if I can color.

      Yeah, I love Marceline too.

      I wish I could draw easily like my daughter and wife. I always have to work off a reference photo.

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