The HeroQuest Game Is Officially Back

The HeroQuest Game Is Officially Back

I wrote about this being a possibility the other day, but is now official. Hasbro is bringing back their boardgame rpg HeroQuest, as a crowdfunded project at least: HeroQuest Game System.

First of all, I’m really happy about this. HeroQuest was/is an excellent game and I’m glad more people will be able to play it. It’s a nice start into D&D type adventures while still feeling like a board game and not all in one’s head. At least that’s how we felt about it back in the day.

I do wish it was coming back as a mass produced and sold in stores game rather than crowdfunded. Also the $99.99 price tag while not excessive is still a bit more than I’d like to spend on a game that I already own. It’s one of those things that would feel a bit indulgent buying for myself. But it would also be nice to have a copy of the game I could play without fear of messing up my old set.

And it’ll cost you an extra $50 to get the expansion sets. I guess my hope for this would be it becomes massively popular and Hasbro starts to churn out new HeroQuest content. That would be sweet.

An exclusive first look at Hasbro’s ambitious crowdfunding campaign

Source: The HeroQuest board game is coming back: Here’s how to pre-order – Polygon


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